Welcome to the year 2024!
And welcome to STL GmbH’s annual review of 2023! Compared to the previous year 2022, the past year was characterised somewhat less by conflicts, but by natural disasters. Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and later in Morocco, fires on the Greek islands. Still later severe flooding in Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria. There was also no shortage of crises: From the attack on Israel to the ongoing war in Ukraine. In contrast, there was also good news: the coronavirus pandemic was officially declared over in Germany and the 49-euro ticket was introduced for public transport users. As STL GmbH, we – and of course our employees and customers – were moved by these topics.
For STL GmbH and our learning management and training management software cimoio, we are pleased to be able to close 2023 on a positive note.
This is particularly pleasing because STL GmbH celebrated its 20th anniversary! One of the highlights of the anniversary was that we won an eLearning Award 2024 with our KUKA LMS project.

New Year’s greetings to our customers
What is most important to us first:
Many thanks to our customers! To those that we were able to win over this year – and also those that have been loyal to us for years! This includes the great collaboration on exciting projects and the many interesting, serious, funny and very personal conversations. But also the trust that our customers place in us by providing us with a reference. This is not possible in every customer-supplier relationship – often you only see the name of the customer company. That’s why it’s so important for STL GmbH: Say *thank you*!
Fortunately, 2023 had few lows for STL GmbH, which is why we are using the start of the new year to review the good and bad moments.
The lows
Summary of the lows in STL GmbH’s annual review of 2023:
Where the GDL is slowing Germany down with strikes, we have continued to feel the brakes on acquisition decisions. Delays to projects into the following year. Budget cuts to compensate for inflation-related cost increases. Despite all this, we have been able to keep projects on track with our customers. So, concerning STL GmbH’s annual review for 2023, all in all not a bad result.
The Highs
Learntec 2023
Learntec 2023 at the end of May was exciting again – not least because the stand booking for the following year was a little different than usual this year.
We further optimised our stand construction. Also, we held interesting conversations with interested parties and existing customers at three discussion corners. Our customers were inspired by conversations to the right and left of the trade fair and approached us with new ideas. “Artificial intelligence” was a topic on everyone’s lips and was hotly debated – as it was, too, at our user meeting. We were able to further increase our conversion rate this year.
The number of visitors also rose again, even if it still hasn’t returned to pre-corona levels. According to Learntec, there will probably be around 13,500 visitors in 2023 compared to 11,000 in 2022 and 15,600 in 2020.
Next year’s Learntec 2024 will take place from Tuesday, 4 June to Thursday, 6 June 2023. You will find us – as always – in Hall 1, but this year at Stand D63.
cimoio user meeting 2023
Our 20th anniversary and the 14th user meeting should not be missing from STL GmbH’s annual review for 2023. We held it again at the Sparkassenakademie Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart. This year, instead of a keynote speech, we had a cheerful collection of memories from the founding of STL GmbH to the present day. With various anecdotes from customers and employees.
The Visual Facilitators team was also there again, graphically documenting the event in real time.
We organised another afternoon in November with a summary of the event. We did this, because the demand for places again exceeded the capacity of the conference room and not everyone had time on the event date. This gave interested customers the opportunity to gain a compact overview. After all, an important feature of the collaboration between STL GmbH and our customers is that everyone benefits from cimoio developments. In order for this to succeed, however, it is important that everyone receives information about new functions and modules that have been added over time. Because in day-to-day project work, this distribution of information is sometimes simply neglected.
The 2024 user meeting has already been scheduled for Monday, 17 June and Tuesday, 18 June 2024.

The good mood at the 2023 user meeting was noticeable and visible!

The graphic documentation of the User Meeting 2024 by the Visual Facilitators
Retreat 2023
In October 2023, we took an extraordinary measure. For the important Release 4.0, we wanted to prepare! This Release is currently being rolled out to the first customers. But it was necessary to carry out large-scale work on the backend. To enable our colleagues to work on this without disruption, we flew to Mallorca for a week. On that enchanting spanish island, we were able to combine the useful with the beautiful. While we drove forward the improvements to our learning management and training management software cimoio during the day, we spent our breaks and evenings socialising as a team.
And indeed, when we returned, most of the cimoio backend reorganisation had been completed. Meaning, we were able to continue with the work on details back in Bad Cannstatt.

52nd Contact Fair Informatik-Forum Stuttgart
Once again this year, we attended the Informatics Forum Stuttgart contact fair at the University of Stuttgart to recruit new employees. There we talked to computer science students about a possible collaboration. We received several applications and were able to recruit a new colleague.
In 2023, we published release 3.9.5. This release is the last in Major Release 3 and will be supported for another two years. New systems will only be delivered on major release 4.x. This is currently being rolled out to the first customers – as our New Year’s greetings are a little late this year.
Release 3.9.5 includes, for example, more in-depth functions for managing external trainers as resources, process models and the new configurable start page.
eLearning Award in the “Project Management” category
And at the end of the year, we received some good news from Siepmann Media, who publish the eLearning Journal. The jury was impressed by our “KUKA LMS” project with KUKA in Augsburg. We received the eLearning Award 2024 in the “Project Management” category for the project, which was launched in 2015.

Do you have any feedback?
If you have any questions about our review or would like further information, please use the contact form to let us know what you think!