Job openings of the STL GmbH in Stuttgart
Here, you find job offerings of the STL GmbHÂ in Stuttgart. Usually, we are looking for developers for our software cimoio. But from time to time, we also offer other jobs for other positions.
And every year we are on the look-out for apprentices and students.
The STL-Team
Employees at STL GmbH are part of a small team (16 permanent colleagues) with a flat hierarchy – our three CEOs are themselves part of the programming team and therefore always up-to-date about the current state of development and enhancement. This provides a familiar athmosphere and an awesome teamspirit.
Generally speaking, most employees work with a 40 hour contract for us – but there are also part time contracts.
You can distribute your contractual workload as you see fit – apart from a core time from 10 a.m. till 2:30 p.m. – which leaves you enough time in winter to sleep in till sunrise and in summer to leave the office early for swimming while the sun is still up…
Transport connection
Our office is situated in Bad Canstatt, where the S-Bahn lines 1, 2, and 3 stop. From the Bad Canstatt station it is only a 10-minute walk to the office.
With the U-Bahn lines 1, 2 and 13 you can get off at Wilhelmsplatz and you will have approximately the same distance to walk.
Those who prefer to come by car, can either procure a parking card for the parking garage of the Canstatter Carré or park in nearby streets.
Your options during break times
For breaks we have a kitchen with all amenities necessary for self-supply: fridge, stove, microwave oven, and a coffee machine will give you a boost in the mornings or will help you through the afternoon low. Free drinks are also available at any time. And as soon as the CoViD-pandemic is over, we will re-introduce the salad tuesday – a healthy meal at the expense of our employer: the company pays for the food and the employees create a tasty buffet of salads.
Since our offices are in Bad Canstatt above the Canstatter Carré, you can always choose to take away food from the various restaurants and supermarkets in the vicinity.
What will your onboarding look like?
New colleagues are coached on three levels:
- in relation to our good and best practices in programming for cimoio – the tools and methods we use to solve our customers’ requirements.
- how to use our web application: first our core module and then step-by-step the additional modules that are available for our customers.
- the business models of our customers
These three topics are the necessary columns for you to create added value for our customers.
In ordinary times, there is once per year a gathering of employees and their partners. In addition, we organize boardgame play dates in regular intervals – or sometimes joint dinners – hoewever in times of CoViD, we had to digitalize these events, but plan to return to face-to-face meetings as soon as possible.
And as if that were not enough: our employees also receive a salary!
On kununu you can check out how applicants and current and past employees evaluate us.
Interested? Then send us – (informal, if you like) – an eMail with your CV and the position you apply for. Our contact information can be found  here.
Java developer (d/f/m) with a future as customer advisor
As Java developer you are going on a journey with three paths:
First, we coach you in using our good and best practices for programming cimoio in Java; how we have implemented the 3-layer-architecture and further technical details. Second, we will aquaint you with our web application cimoio: starting with the core system and following up with the additional modules. In a third step you will learn a lot about the business models of our customers and how cimoio helps them to digitalize their business models.
As soon as you are fit in these topics, the option opens up to become a customer advisor for one or more customer organisations in one or more projects.
Since the majority of our customers is based in Germany, we need you to be proficient in German. Therefore, the detailed job description is available only in German.
For students we offer the possibility to write their thesis: front end topics, back end topics and occasionally topics of non-technical but rather strategic nature exist.
Duales Studium – cooperative education
You are interested in a dual study program? If your focus is on computer science specializing in application management or informatics/business information systems, let’s talk about a co-operation. As a software development company for a standardized system, programming tasks are readily available. In addition, we have tasks in IT-project management, Marketing and Consulting available as well.
(Student) Trainees
You are currently pursuing an IT-related study like informatics, application management, or business information systems and you would like to test your knowledge in real-life situations and take a look at work-life? Or your lectures are currently only digital and few, so you have spare time on your hands? Then contact us about a trainee or student trainee position!
Every year on September 1st, we offer one place as an apprentice (d/f/m) as “Fachinformatiker/-in für Anwendungsentwicklung”. This apprenticeship is planned to last three years.